I have to say as a film lover, there’s nothing I love more than finding out about a forgotten film. What I mean by a forgotten film is a film that isn’t well remembered or isn’t that much talked about anymore. When you consider how many films have been made quite a lot of them have been forgotten in time.
What I also really love about forgotten films is finding out how much i enjoy them as well. I have to admit if it wasn’t for these boutique labels releasing films on the home video market I wouldn’t know as much as I would if it wasn’t for them. I know that I’ve written a similar article about this on film directors and some of their works.
Arrow Films, Indicator, BFI, Second Sight and Eureka are the creme de la creme of independent labels in my opinion and they constantly surprise me though they do sometimes release a favourite film of mine. To me it shows the label cares about film and appreciates it and when I look through an actor or directors filmography I often ponder why doesn’t anyone talk about this film anymore ?
In my honest and humble opinion if it wasn’t for the Independent labels releasing the forgotten\lesser known films they would be forgotten all together and wouldn’t have as many fans. I’m very thankful that I’m living in a time where the films are given a second life and finding new fans. I can list many of the films I have bought from Independent labels are among my favourite films. Of course like some film fans I have my own personal list of some films that I would love to see on Blu-Ray.
I’ve come to the conclusion that in this day and age no films can be truly forgotten with physical media thriving and independent labels sprouting up. What a time to be a film fan.
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