Since the beginning of the Star Wars 6″ Black Series line I was really into it. The launch of Series 1 was a really big thing here and in the states. It was off to a great start. Then gradually as the line went on release dates of each series began to become less clear as I would watch reviews of the figures from the States and have no idea when they would be released here.

What didn’t help with the matter though is that two Toy Stores close to me (The Entertainer and Toys R Us) had very low stock and were really behind. I know this as the ones I have been into over the last year or so have been a couple of waves behind. Though Toys R Us have been improving lately

Though the biggest problem I have with the line is Scalpers, I despise Scalpers of all kinds, no matter whatever they deal in. They buy up multiple copies of the same figure and put the figure on Ebay for a much higher price than it is at RRP. I have seen this for figures that aren’t even out yet ! Which means I have to look round different stores and conventions to find it and sometimes I do get lucky but Scalpers like that really piss me off. What makes it worse is that some people would pay that amount of money for a figure so that Scalper expects the same amount of pay for each figure.They are most rife in Hasbro’s Marvel Legends and Black Series figures.

You can shop around for them as retailers are charging different prices for the figures some of which are more reasonable than others. I have to say for the most part I think I have gotten value for money with The Star Wars Black Series. The character selection, paint and articulation is greatly improving. The sculpt and paint on most of the figures are excellent and to an extent it has re-ignited my interest in Star Wars in general.

I have a tip to avoid the one negative I have about this line which are the Scalpers. That tip is to reserve/pre-order the figures you want from a reasonable pricing seller or independent figure shop and in that way your one step ahead of the scalpers and you can prevent Scalpers from thriving by not giving in to their outrageous prices.

